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Economists are increasingly interested in subjective well‐being, but the economic literature on perceptions of income adequacy, which is one of the factors that shape subjective well‐being, is little. Our paper fills this lacuna. We utilize nationally representative data on perceptions of amounts considered as remunerative earnings from self‐employment in India and examine how these are earnings shaped by social identity, namely, caste. We also investigate if institutional change such as the introduction of an employment guarantee scheme alters these perceptions. Finally, we examine the relationship between caste identity and actual earnings. We find that caste identity does shape both perceptions of income adequacy and actual earnings: lower‐ranked groups perceive lower amounts as being remunerative and also earn lower amounts. Further, the employment guarantee scheme alters self‐perceptions differentially for different caste groups, but in more nuanced ways than our ex‐ante beliefs.  相似文献   
The aim of this article is to examine the relation between functional income distribution, capacity utilization, capital accumulation and productivity in Turkey by identifying demand and overall regimes prevalent in the economy. For this purpose, we conducted an empirical analysis using different specifications of the post-Kaleckian model of Hein and Tarassow. This model defines and characterizes an overall regime by endogenizing productivity growth and integrating it into the models in this tradition. Empirical findings show that while the demand regime is wage-led, the overall regime turns out to be unstable in Turkey due to the destabilizing impact of productivity growth. This article contributes to the literature by being the first study that simultaneously identifies the demand and the overall regimes of an economy.  相似文献   
We examine the causal impact of financial development (FD) on top income shares for a panel of 14 OECD countries—five Anglo‐Saxon countries, eight continental European countries, and Japan—over a 110‐year period. In our main General Method of Moments estimates, we find that a 1‐percentage‐point change in FD increases the top 1% income share by 0.2%. In distribution terms, a 1‐SD incr=ease in FD increases the top 1% income share by around 0.4 of an SD. The effects are robust to various measures of top income shares and FD and alternative estimation techniques, including nonparametric estimation. FD is typically viewed in positive terms in that it makes it easier to access credit and facilitates economic growth. Our results are important because they contribute to understanding of the potential negative effects of FD.  相似文献   
陈凯  王新欣 《水利经济》2020,38(5):12-16
水资源利用秩序反映了水资源供给侧效率和需求侧公平的程度。采用秩序模型对我国30个省级行政区2008—2017年的水资源利用状态进行测度,通过测量高低收入人群收入差距的变动状况度量公平程度,使用数据包络分析法将全要素生产率的增长进行分解,从而度量其效率发挥状况,将二者综合,计算水资源总秩序水平。研究结果表明:我国大多数省级行政区水资源利用纵向秩序较好、横向秩序较差,因此应采取措施,以保障水资源利用秩序保持在较高且比较稳定的水平上。  相似文献   
[目的]我国农地流转市场发展迅速,农村土地呈现集中趋势。准确把握农村土地流动方向,探析农地流转对农业生产效率及农民收入的影响,对保障农地流转市场健康发展,实现农业现代化的关键,具有重要的现实意义。[方法]基于文献研究法对相关研究进行梳理和总结。[结果](1)有效的农地流转市场使土地从低效率生产者流转至高效率生产者,从高收入农户流转至收入两端的农户,并有提高农业生产效率和增加农民收入的作用。转入户中存在显著的异质性差异,一部分是缺乏资金和人力资本的小规模农户,另一部分则是具有丰富资金和人力资本的大规模农户。(2)农业比较收益劣势易造成农地流转市场扭曲,改变土地流动方向,导致农业生产效率下降,并加剧农民收入的不平等。[结论]有效的农地流转市场有助于提高农业生产效率并增加农户收入。然而,农业较低的比较收益及政府的过度干预易造成农地流转市场扭曲,农业生产效率提升潜力难以发挥,增收效应减弱,农村收入差距加大。建议政府对农地流转进行有序引导,并注重劳动力市场及信贷市场的配套完善。  相似文献   
[目的]全面分析城乡居民基本养老保险制度对农村家庭各项消费支出现状的影响,就进一步完善该项政策和稳定农村消费市场提供重要的理论参考。[方法]文章以消费和储蓄生命周期理论为分析框架,通过选取合理的样本面板数据,运用系统GMM回归分析方法探究了城乡居民基本养老保险制度对农村家庭消费支出水平的影响。[结果]财产性收入是影响农民参与城乡居民基本养老保险制度的主要因素以及投保档次的制约因素,作以存量财富为基础的财产性收入要比流量形式存在的财富具有更强抵御风险的能力,即财产性收入在很大程度上可以增加农村家庭对养老保险的依赖程度。另外,城乡居民基本养老保险制度对农村家庭消费能力表现出异质性影响。其中,城乡居民基本养老保险制度对农村家庭生活消费支出、食品性等日常性支出、文体消费支出水平明显要高于对医疗消费支出水平。[结论]国家要加大宣传城乡居民基本养老保险制度的积极和辐射作用,让广大农村家庭能够真正了解这项政策的意图。同时,要逐步破解城乡二元结构等制度性障碍,让更多农村家庭能够享受到与城镇居民相同的养老待遇。  相似文献   
中国自1986年实施贫困县制度以来,国家级贫困县的设立是否能够以及在多大程度上提升了当地农民实际收入水平,需要进行系统科学的实证检验。基于双重差分倾向得分匹配法(PSM-DID),利用2007~2016年全国6个省份296个县的面板数据进行实证研究发现,国家级贫困县的设立非但没能有效提升当地农民实际收入水平,反而对其有持续的负效应。进一步研究发现,贫困地区第二、三产业的发展能够有效提高当地农民实际收入水平,然而贫困县政策并未促进当地产业结构的优化;政府通过正向干预农产品价格能有效增加农民实际收入。从研究结论的政策含义讲,立足贫困户推进精准扶贫、通过招商引资带动有效投资,以及优化县域产业结构,对于提升贫困县的农民收入具有重要现实意义。  相似文献   
本文基于1993—2017年中国粮食主产区和主销区的面板数据,在比较两个区域农民收入及其结构变化的基础上,使用面板矫正标准误(PCSE)和面板向量自回归(PVAR)模型实证研究并比较主产区和主销区农民收入结构变化对农民种粮积极性的短期和长期影响。结果表明:无论从短期还是从长期来看,对于主产区而言,工资性收入和政策变量对粮播比有显著的负向影响,家庭经营性收入、转移性收入对其有显著正向影响,而财产性收入对其影响不显著。对于主销区而言,家庭经营性收入、转移性收入和财产性收入对粮播比的影响方向与主产区相同,但是工资性收入对其影响与主产区不同,有显著正向影响,政策变量的影响不显著。在长期,工资性收入对主产区和主销区粮播比的影响程度逐渐增加,经营性收入与财产性收入对主产区的影响更大,而转移性收入对主销区的影响更大。因此,在粮食播种面积连续3年下降的背景下,需要进一步优化农业补贴政策,转变粮食生产方式,鼓励主销区增加粮食播种面积,建立多层次农业保险体系。  相似文献   
农机补贴是具有门槛效应的效率增益政策,通常效率与公平如鱼和熊掌不可兼得。本文通过理论模型分析了农机补贴对农业生产及农村劳动力转移的影响;并通过工具变量法和中介变量法研究了农机补贴的收入分配效应及其作用机制。研究发现,农机补贴显著降低了农户收入的基尼系数,提高了收入分配公平性;其作用机制是农机补贴提升了农业生产效率,促进了农村劳动力转移,提高了打工收入,尤其是相对贫困农户,溢出效应对冲了门槛效应,使得农机补贴的收入分配效应兼具了效率和公平。  相似文献   
This paper investigates why the upsurge of top income shares has coincided with economic slowdowns in the US since the late 1970s. I argue that a fast-growing unearned income from ‘wealth residual’ – the unexplained increase in wealth that is not accompanied by any increase in real output – lies behind them. To support this hypothesis, I measure wealth residual from the national accounts and associated statistics, and then perform a set of panel regressions using a comprehensive panel dataset of the US at the state level. The estimation results demonstrate that the rapid growth of wealth residual during the last four decades has contributed to a co-evolution of fast-growing inequality and falling growth.  相似文献   
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